Tactical Training Courses

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SGI - Tactical Training Courses
Tactical Course Overview
SGI provides comprehensive tactical training courses for law enforcement, military, uniformed security, etc... Learn the latest innovative, tested, and proven tactics from instructors actively utilizing and teaching these skills domestically and abroad. Our instructor cadre is comprised of operators from both the military and law enforcement Special Operations Communities (CAG, Dev Gru, Army SF, Recon, Air Force PJ's, SWAT, FBI HRT). Our primary objective is to teach students the requisite skills they will need to survive in any environment. Our training programs are reality-based and focus on the skills and tactics necessary to survive deadly force encounters in urban and rural environments.
Tactics and techniques taught during our courses are combined with realistic training scenarios to enhance the students' tactical skill set. Students attending our courses will develop the confidence and decisiveness they will need to make sound decisions in any tactical scenario. All of our courses were created using industry best practices from both the military and law enforcement professions, in conjunction with the vast real-world experiences of our instructors.
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SGI – Defensive Pistol Craft Series

The SGI Defensive Pistol Craft Series introduces shooters to the art of modern handgun defense. This progressive six-part course focuses on personal safety, marksmanship, firearm manipulation, tactics, communication, and mental preparation. Instruction in the defensive use of the handgun will be oriented toward street use by law enforcement personnel and tactical home defense.
SGI – Dignitary Protection Pistol Craft Series

The SGI Dignitary Protection Pistol Craft - DPPC™ series is modeled after our popular Defensive Pistol Craft courses. The Dignitary Protection Pistol Craft series introduces shooters to the art of modern handgun defense, with an emphasis placed on close quarter combat techniques for protective service personnel. Students will learn how to engage assailant targets while under stress, in varying light conditions, in close quarters and confined spaces, on the move, and from different non-conventional shooting platforms.
SGI – High-Risk Dignitary Protection Series

The SGI High-Risk Dignitary Protection Course series focuses on Diplomatic Security and Executive Protection domestically and abroad and is designed to prepare operators for placement on a Protective Service Detail. Our primary objective is to teach students the requisite skills they will need to provide armed protective services in high-threat environments. SGI also offers assistance with job placement. See our BPSD™ Prep-Course for more details.
Tactical Shotgun and Tactical Rifle

The SGI Tactical Shotgun and Tactical Rifle courses were developed to illustrate the numerous tactical applications of these versatile weapon platforms. Students will practice multiple shooting concepts on a linear range as well as several drills utilizing urban entry techniques. Drills include both urban and rural scenarios.
Combat Trauma Care Series

The SGI Combat Trauma Care (CTC™) Series focuses of teaching students Basic Life Saving techniques in difficult, and often, inaccessible environments. Our instructor cadre is drawn exclusively from the ranks of the U.S. Special Operations Medic Community and board certified Vascular Trauma Surgeons. All of our CTC instructors have extensive experience in treating traumatic injuries in hostile environments.
Tactical Maritime Operations Series

The ever-present threat of terrorism and naval piracy illustrates the need for the military, law enforcement, and private security sectors to be able to counter these threats. The SGI Tactical Maritime Operations Series was developed to provide cutting edge instruction in various maritime disciplines' in response to these growing threats.
Unarmed Combatives Series

The SGI Unarmed Combative's Series is a "no nonsense" training program that focuses on the development of survival skills for Executive Protection Officers, Police Officers, Flight Attendants, Emergency Room Nurses or Proactive Citizens. This course will develop skills that will enable attendee's to counter physical threats and survive a life-threatening confrontation with an assailant.
Urban Defensive Marksman Series

The SGI Defensive Marksman - UDM™ series is designed to prepare law enforcement and military snipers for tactical deployment and surveillance operations requiring observation and concealment techniques in an urban environment. A strong emphasis is placed on hide construction, deployment tactics, and shooting considerations in an urban environment.
Tactical Tracking Operations Series

Solutions Group International (SGI) is proud of our exclusive teaming agreement with one of the world's most renown tracking experts, David Scott-Donelan and The Scott-Donelan Tracking School (TSDTS™). SGI and The David Scott-Donelan Tracking School specialize in the delivery of professional tracking courses to a variety of service sectors worldwide.
Tactical Training for Actors

The Solutions Group International (SGI) Hollywood S.W.A.T. Academy is specifically designed for actors who are serious about their craft, their safety, and who are looking to develop their skills to accurately portray law enforcement and military personnel on screen.
Advanced Vehicle Evasive Response Training (AVERT™) Series

The SGI AVERT™ training course series is designed to give students a clear understanding of the influence of personal, vehicle and environmental limitations on their ability to successfully operate a motor vehicle in dynamic and hazardous conditions while conducting high-risk dignitary protection operations.
Miscellaneous Tactical Training Courses

SGI offers a multitude of tactical training courses geared toward enhancing an individuals overall tactical skill set. At SGI, we constantly strive to develop new, innovative, practical, and reality-based training courses using proven techniques and lessons learned. Please visit this section periodically to see new additions to our course curriculum.
Tactical Training Courses for Civilians

SGI offers a variety of tactical training courses open to the general public. The same instructors who teach our law enforcement and military tactical training courses, teach our civilian courses. Our civilian course offerings range from Defensive Pistol Craft to Tactical Home Defensive. These courses are designed to teach you the fundamental skills of combat marksmanship and improve your survivability in violent encounters.